What My Mother Said To Me Defined My Entire Existence


MY MOM WAS A SINGLE MOM. My mom worked hard to make sure my brother and I never went without anything. She worked to make sure we had all the things our friends with a two-parent household income had. For a few years, she even worked the graveyard shift so she could be home when my brother and I got home from school. At one time, she even took a leave of absence from work for a while so she could spend time with us. During that time, I remember her becoming a Mary Kay consultant to make some extra cash. I thought that was so cool.

Looking back on that I feel like that may have been my first introduction to the entrepreneurial way of life. I helped her make cute little boxes with cards you could fill out and drop into the box to get a free makeover. We went around to the neighborhood businesses and asked if we could leave them on the counters. When the Mark Kay kits came to the house I was entranced, ALL those colors and everything for your face in those pretty pink cases. My mom was never even the makeup wearing type, but she was the one to hustle for her family.

She went back to her corporate job at Pacific Bel and I was always very keen on her outfits. It was the 80’s and she was really into the Banana Republic look. At that time, it was all about the jumpsuit and the safari look. I used to sit with her for hours in the dressing rooms at Banana and read all the letters from travelers in Africa plastered on the dressing room walls. The messages seemed so adventurous that it filled my spirit with so much wonder.


My professional hard working mom told me. “Shaney jo, you know, I am the first generation of women that are allowed to wear pants to work.” I was shocked; I am still shocked when I think about it. I was luckily raised with the values that women are equal to men, there was never a doubt in my mind that I should be treated as less than anyone.

"My darling dot, you can do anything you want in this world, and never let anyone tell you that you cannot.” my mother said to me. This moment defined my entire existence, defined me from the inside out, giving me the confidence to always follow my heart, my dreams and do what I want to do, whatever that may be.

It is because of my mom that I am who I am, and that I have the guts and the strength to do what I do every day. She is always there supporting me and she is Keep A Breast’s biggest fan.

I love you Nancy Jo and I am so grateful that you are my mom.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers out there!

P.S: Check out this video below The Stylish shot of my mom and I. It's really sweet! <3

Keep A Breast