Unlocking Healing Light Frequencies: A Journey into Future Medicine


An integrative health practitioner shares her experiences with Lymphatic Enhancement Technology

“Future Medicine is a Medicine of Frequencies.”

I love this quote.

It's an Albert Einstein quote, as he was centuries before his time. It seems many of his predictions are beginning to reveal themselves as truth in this new paradigm we are moving into here on planet earth.  “Future Medicine is a Medicine of Frequencies.”  What did he mean by that?  I myself didn’t really know until about a year ago when I discovered Lymphatic Enhancement Technology or LET.  

An Unknowable Illness

I was at a particularly dark time of my life, as 2022 seemed to be a very difficult year for me on many levels.  So many health issues were creeping in, and I seemed to be inundated- body, mind, and soul with a kind of darkness.  

The level of fatigue I had was out of this world, it took all my energy to simply go to the grocery store, and my body hurt, all over, all the time.  Either it was my back or my knee, or something that was preventing me from being able to walk or function normally.  

I had a kind of brain fog that could barely recall basic words to explain things, my hair was falling out in clumps, and I was extremely depressed.  

All of these are signs of autoimmune issues- those pesky ‘unknowable’ disorders that modern medicine can’t seem to understand or have a cure for.  Not too unlike breast cancer, a silent disease that accounts for 30% of all new cancer cases in women every year.  

It is these ‘silent’ disorders that are hard to identify, diagnose, or let alone cure that are creating the health crisis in our country and world.  

My Journey With Alternative Medicine

As an integrative health practitioner myself, it has been a rare occasion that modern medicine has cured me of unknowable conditions. It's been a lifelong journey deep into the alternative medicine route for me, and as a Virgo myself (the sign of the healer), I’ve accessed almost every kind of alternative medicine one can in search of healing and wholeness.  The deeper I went into every kind of medicine, the more I realized how intrinsically all sickness was linked to the soul and spirit.  

Beginning Shadow WorK

This pushed me to go further into accessing the shadow–those unconscious aspects of our own wounded soul that we suppress and press, deep deep down into unknown caverns of our own soul, taking powerful shamanic practitioners and guides, or our own deep and integrative spiritual practice to draw them out.  

The shadow work process is vital and powerful to remembering the suppressed and lost aspects of oneself through traumatic experience.  That is essentially why most people do plant medicine journeys, and why those journeys occur at night- so that they can unveil those hidden pieces, and remember one's wholeness once again.  

This process is important, but it's a process and can take years to uncover some of these hidden wounds and bring light to them- everyone is on a different timetable with this work. You cannot rush a river.  

While I was sick, I was doing deep shadow integration work alongside seeing a master acupuncturist who had studied and taught alongside Chinese shamans.  I thought if anyone could help me, it would be him.  But after 6 months of seeing him every week, there was no difference.  I still felt the same, unable to barely think, gaining weight, and in chronic pain and fatigue constantly; I was dark.  

Discovering Lymphatic Enhancement Technology (LET)

It wasn’t until I came across a woman in this integrative healing center that my life changed.  Her schedule was packed, and it took weeks to get an appointment for a treatment I had never heard of.  She practiced something called ‘Lymphatic Enhancement Technology’ or “LET.” 

LET is a machine that emits frequency and light, at a certain tempo and range, works on your lymphatic system within a certain sequence that when done regularly can alleviate conditions that modern medicine cannot. 

LET works with frequency, as our great friend Albert Einstein said so eloquently, “Future Medicine is a Medicine of Frequencies.” 

My LET Therapeutic Experience

When I met this LET Practitioner she told me of full and complete healing of chronic + debilitating conditions that it was almost hard to believe.  Complete remission of endometriosis, Scleroderma, and other autoimmune disorders that modern medicine has no idea how to heal.  I was skeptical, but eager to try it.  

When getting on her table, the LET was an experience I had never quite had before.  The practitioner used these two wands that encapsulated a blue light, frequency, and wavelength.  She lightly brushed them over the top of my skin in a certain sequence that felt almost hypnotic. Right away, I felt a sensation I hadn’t ever felt before, and I knew this was a kind of future medicine. What the therapy was doing was shifting the entire vibration of my cells, moving my lymph, and deeply cleansing toxins through light therapy, something we have yet to embrace here in the USA.  It’s hard to believe when steeped in such a linear and material medical paradigm that forces us to be cut open, prodded, and poisoned in order to ‘heal’ that something so subtle could heal, and with light nonetheless.  

My Results After Lymphatic Enhancement Technology Therapy

After my first session of the LET, I felt awake, energized, and more than anything inspired.  I had been so depressed and depleted for so long, upon waking the next day I had a burst of creativity that I hadn’t felt in quite some time. My mood was high, I literally felt ‘light’, and was able to move my body with ease. 

I continued with the LET therapy for the next 6 months, and can say that it shifted the entire landscape of my life. My pain healed and I healed. I felt ready to reinvigorate my integrative healing practice, and integrate the LET into it.

I now practice in Joshua Tree, California alongside my astrology, shadow work, and integrative bodywork. A true marriage of the mind, body, and spirit.  

The Long History of Lymphatic System Therapies

It seems that just now the lymph system is beginning to come “online”--meaning it’s seeping into the consciousness of the masses.  Modern medicine doesn’t know much about the lymph system, but the ancient cultures sure did.  The ancient Egyptians called it “The River of Life” as it was an imperative piece of the body's makeup and vitality.  In a modern world that is increasingly more and more toxic, with our culture of waste at an all-time high–cell phone radiation continuously increasing, and our food filled to the brim with chemical– it is the lymph system that is handling these toxins, and it is overburdened.  Our bodies’ rivers are polluted. 

The lymph holds the water element of our body, and as an integrative healing practitioner the water element is a holy element. It is where our emotions, psychic power, and creativity lie.  When our lymph is polluted we are holding many toxins and energies that are not necessarily ours.The LET clears our body of those energies, restores the body's natural energy field and gets us back to our own essence and natural vitality. All systems simply begin to function better, and we literally feel ‘lighter’. 

Embracing the Light: My LET Patient’s Progress

Here in Joshua Tree at my private practice, I have a client with Lymphoma. He is intensely empathic, sensitive, and awake– willing to do almost anything to get to the “bottom” of his cancer diagnosis, find its origin, and heal. I have seen him twice a week for 4 months now- and as we infuse his body and lymph with light, we embrace his shadow.  

As we bring light to the darkest of places inside him, we move that deep stagnancy and hidden sickness.  As we bring light to the darkness, he has begun to heal.  He just last month went and got a PET scan and all of his tumors have reduced in size by 40%.  The light carries, and with it the darkest places subside.  

Future medicine is a medicine of frequencies. And as we move forward into a new paradigm here on planet earth, with it, our medical paradigm is shifting.  In times of such darkness, it is bringing light to those dark places that will heal and create wholeness within the body and spirit. 

Light therapy; a powerful therapy and an idea whose time has come.


Chase Buttice


Chase is a healer, mystic, and guide.  She believes in the deep synthesis of body, mind, and spirit in order to heal and integrates spiritual counseling, astrology, LET, and integrative bodywork into her practice.  Chase believes this is the future of medicine, as we cannot simply address the issues of the body without also addressing the spiritual aspect of our being.  She integrates the medicine of the ancients and the frequencies of the future to birth something wholly unique, powerfully effective, and pioneering.  

She has a private practice in Joshua Tree, California called Medicine Owl Wellness Studio.


Opinions expressed by the identified author in this blog post are their own and may not represent the views of the Keep A Breast Foundation or its management. Information found on the KAB website is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. You are advised to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you are seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.




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