Check Yourself!

40% of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who discover their own lump. So check monthly!

Eat Your Medicine

Women who eat a fiber-rich diet are 54% less likely to get breast cancer. Load up on cancer fighting foods. 

Move Your Body

Just 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week can lower your risk of breast cancer by 30-50%

Care About Cleaners

Even products labeled as ‘green’ or ‘natural’ may have ingredients that can cause health problems. Choose wisely.

Check Your Labels

Environmental factors contribute to 90% of breast cancer diagnoses. Check on Non Toxic Revolution for details and product ideas. 

Please Drink Responsibly

For women, having more than one alcoholic drink per day increases your risk of breast cancer.

Let’s Destress

Long-term stress can increase blood flow to tumors, encourage tumor growth and keep your body in a state of inflammation

Give Your Phone Space

We don’t know the impact of cellphone radiation on things like sperm count and breast cancer, so let’s keep phones out of the bra. 

Get Outside

Vitamin D is so important, yet so many of us lack it. Spending time soaking in the sun—wearing non-toxic sunscreen of course.

Ditch the Plastic

Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates are toxins found in many plastics that have links to breast cancer and other health problems. 

Explore Birth Control

A recent study suggests a correlation between hormonal birth control and slight increase in breast cancer risk.

Be Your Own Advocate

Prevention and early detection are all about knowing your body. When it comes to your health, ask questions and get second opinions.