Megan Kornegay’s Survivor Story



Megan Kornegay is a 2021 Give Back Grant recipient. We are so grateful to her for sharing her breast cancer journey with us. We are currently accepting Give Back Grant applications for our 2022 cycle through September 15, 2022. All BIPOC women who are survivors or who have been diagnosed are encouraged to apply, and re-apply, if you are a previous recipient!

1.) If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
If I were an animal, I'd be a bird. Their ability to soar in the clouds has always fascinated me. Forrest Gump's, "dear God make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away" has always been one of my favorite movie lines.

2.) When were you diagnosed and how old were you?
I was diagnosed May 19, 2022. I was 35 years old.

3.) How did you find out you had breast cancer?
I found a lump in my left breast one night while I was rubbing my chest. I waited a few days and after it didn't go away, I contacted my PCP and she quickly referred me to get a mammogram and ultrasound.

4.) Who was the first person you told about your illness?
My mom, Doris. She was the first person I called after receiving the news from my doctor. I sobbed and sobbed while on the phone. She was there, reassuring me that it would be okay and God would see me through. 

5.) Tell us something about yourself that people probably don’t know.
I have a fear of heights. I hate bridges - especially ones with water underneath them.I sometimes hold my breath when I am driving on them.

6.) After your treatment, what do you want to spend more time on?
I work out with my amazing trainer, Amber Booker. It's virtual 2-3 times a week. Prior to treatment, exercise just wasn't my thing. While it's still not, it's the one time of day that's uninterrupted and just for me.

7.) What advice would you give to someone recently diagnosed?
You do not have to stay strong for anyone. It is okay to be cared for and taken care of. Your only job right now is to stay positive and light. Diagnosis and treatment can become a lonely and heavy place. Don't allow yourself to be taken over with that. Stay in the light - joy, laughter, and love are there. Those are the things that will bring you through.

8.) What advice would you give your 16-year-old self?
Keep striving for the best. You will achieve so much. You're graced for every opportunity and with hard work, you will be able to do anything. Don't worry about others that will experience things before you. Their story is not your story. Stay focused. Your time will come.

9.) What has been the toughest challenge you’ve faced?
Allowing myself to not be okay. I remained positive throughout treatment, but there were days where it was just so hard. I fought to find the sunshine on those days. I had to tell myself that it was okay, not to be okay.

10.) What’s something you learned about yourself, going through your breast cancer experience?
I am much stronger than I thought and I can literally do anything.

11.) When do you laugh the most?
I laugh the most when I'm with my husband and son. They are the funniest people I know. My son is 8 and is always "roasting" my husband. It's hilarious to see them go back and forth with one another in such a playful way.

12.) If you could go back in time to a particular moment, what would it be?
I'd go back to the night my husband proposed to me. I was screaming too loudly to hear exactly what he said. If I could go back in time, I would compose myself long enough to hear what he was saying!

13.) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
If I could travel anywhere, I'd go to Africa. I've always wanted to go there and place my feet in the soil of my ancestors.

14.) What did it mean to you to receive the Give Back Grant?
I was so honored to receive the Give Back Grant. It gave me the chance to do something spontaneous. It was that bit of excitement that started my year off on the right foot and has kept me on that same trajectory throughout the year. It was necessary and I'm so thankful for it!